Month: July 2010

Green Youth Movement: Meet Ally Maize

Green Youth Movement: Meet Ally Maize

Ally Maize, founder of Green Youth Movement tells us about how she got started, what inspired her and how easy it is to become a member and start taking an active role in protecting the environment .

Vidicon 2010 The Boy That Started The Cheese Touch

Vidicon 2010 The Boy That Started The Cheese Touch

xTurnipTimex tells us about his channel, his VidCon2010 experience, his movie roles and why he loves being a Youtuber!

Green Shields

Green Shields

An interview with 2 amazing teens that are trying to make a difference. Jonny and Azza hope make the world greener with their Green Shields and Pepsi Refresh just gave them $25,000 to make it happen!